Action 6
Application of methodologies for the prevention of damage by the wolf to the zotechnical heritage.
Alta Murgia National Park is part of the territories of the recent colonization of the wolf. The presence of the wolf, in a territory where there is no historical memory of the predator, has triggered strong conflicts between the protectionists and the breeders’ associations, often resulting in illegal killings. For example, in the area of the Park in 2014, around 6,000 Euros were refunded for about 40 predated heads. With this action, the intent is to apply techniques and tools aimed at preventing damage from predation to livestock; the diffusion of the mitigation techniques by the staff members of the Biological Station and the Park Authority, will allow acceptance and cohabitation with the predator on their territory, also giving added value to the zootechnical productions.
In particular, to defend the animals bred in the Jazzo Corte Cicero, are used mute guard dogs (Pastore / Mastino abbruzzese), coming from specific breeding and selection of the genetic lines for work. The dogs’ packs will also be used as breeding individuals, leaving the puppies to other livestock farms for the care and wasting of the flocks on the territory of the park and other regional contexts. In this context, the performance of this action allows you to set up within the company a valuable breeding for the south of Italy, aimed at spreading the sheepdog.